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Wissenschaftliches Vorwissen der Bibel

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[[Image:Mosesfirstauthor.jpg|frame|Moses: Der erste Autor zum Thema Gesundheit von Jay Nelson - [http://store.nwcreation.net/mofiauofhe.html Buy it]]]
Viele der Gesundheitspraktiken des mosaischen Textes zeigen bemerkenswerte Voraussicht. Das mosaische Gesetz verschreibt solide medizinische Prävention, während die medizinischen Dokumente der ägyptischen Nachbarn eine Mischung aus vernünftigen und unwirksamen Praktiken darstellen.<ref name=Allen>Allen, Bruce. « [http://www.christianwebsite.com/artman/publish/christian_articles_10.html 4 Reasons Why You Should Read the Bible]. » Faith-Friends, 2003.</ref><ref name=Wise>Wise, David. "[http://www.answersingenesis.org/creation/v26/i1/hygiene.asp The first book of public hygiene]." ''Creation'' December 2003, 26(1):52-55. Accessed September 12, 2008. Also hosted at <http://www.creationontheweb.com/content/view/522/></ref>
Max Neuberger, schreibt in seiner "Geschichte der Medizin":
Rev. Dr. George Malkmus entwickelte einen Diätplan &mdash;Die Hallelujah Diät&mdash; die nur aus Gemüse und Obst besteht und in der mindestens 85 % dieser Nahrungsmittel roh gegessen werden. In seinem Buch beschreibt er diese Diät und die Gründe dafür: Malkmus argumentiert, dass die menschliche Anatomie derer von Pflanzenfressern ähnlicher ist, als der von Fleisch- oder gar Allesfressern. Er zeigt zudem, dass alle Sorten von tierischem Fleisch langsamer durch das Verdauungssystem wandern, als pflanzliches Material. In Bezug auf die Bibel verweist er auf {{Bible ref|book=Genesis|chap=1|verses=29-30}}, wo Gott den Menschen Obst und Gemüse zur Nahrung gibt. (Erst nach der [[Flut]] fügte Gott Fleisch zum menschlichen Nahrungsplan hinzu ({{Bible ref|book=Genesis|chap=9|verses=1-3}}).<ref name=Malkmus>Malkmus, George. ''The Hallelujah Diet''. Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image Publishers, 2006. 382 pages, paperback. ISBN 9780768423211</ref>
==Die Bibel und wie Löwen ihre Beute töten==
Bis vor kurzem glaubten Zooologen, dass Löwen ihre Beute dadurch töten, dass sie ihr den Nacken durchbeißen oder diesen durch einen Pfotenhieb brechen.<ref name=lionsbible>Author unknown. "[http://ed5015.tripod.com/BLions87.htm Lions and the Bible]." ''Investigator'' 87, 2002. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref> 1972 beobachtete George B. Schaller jedoch selbst Löwen über 3 Jahre lang für insgesamt mehr als 2900 Stunden. Er untersuchte zudem die Beute, um herauszufinden, woran sie starb.
Die Bibel besagt:{{Bible quote|Der Löwe raubte genug für seine Jungen und würgte für seine Löwinnen. Seine Höhlen füllte er mit Raub und seine Wohnung mit dem, was er zerrissen hatte.|book=Nahum|chap=2|verses=13}}
Die wörtliche Übersetzung beschreibt die Tötungsmethode als "erwürgen".<ref name=lionsbible/> Schaller beobachtete:{{cquote|Sie (die Löwen) schleichen sich heran, stürzen sich auf die Beute, schlagen eine Flanke, reißen das Tier zu Boden und töten es dann langsam durch erwürgen. (Reader's Digest, June, 1978)}}
Der Nacken der Beute wird dabei nicht gebrochen.<ref name=lionsbible/> Heute ist dies unter Zoologen weitbekannt.
== Ameisen und die Bibel ==
Die Bibel behauptet, dass "die Ameise" Nahrung während der Ernte für zukünftigen Konsum sammelt und aufbewahrt. Im 19. Jahrhundert bestanden Naturalisten darauf, dass dies falsch sei.<ref name=Williams>Williams, John H., ''et al''. "[http://www.adam.com.au/bstett/BWilliamsvsAnon71to73.htm Williams vs. Anon: 71-73]" (a series of debates). ''Investigator'' issues 71-73, 2000. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref> Tatsächlich handelt es sich bei den in der Bibel erwähnten Ameisen um ''Ernteameisen''. Diese kommen häufig im Mittleren Osten vor, waren aber in Euriopa zur Zeit der Renaissance unbekannt. Viele sorgfältig durchgeführte Studien über Ameisen in der ganzen Welt beschreiben viele Arten von ''Ernteameisen'' und bestätigen so die Bibel.<ref name=Williams/>
==Der Ursprung der Sprachen==
Viele Linguisten argumentieren, dass viele verschiedene Sprachfamilien auf eine kleine Gruppe verschiedener Proto-Sprachen zurückgeführt werden können. Dies passt zur Geschichte vom [[Turmbau zu Babel]], in der Gott die Sprachen verwirrte.<ref name=Walton>Walton, John H. "[http://www.christiananswers.net/q-abr/confusionoflanguages.html Is there any reference to the confusion of languages at Babel in early Mesopotamian literature]?" ''Bulletin for Biblical Research'' 5[1995]: 155-75. Reprinted at <http://www.christiananswers.net/> Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref><ref name=Wieland1>Wieland, Carl. "[http://www.answersingenesis.org/creation/v22/i1/towering_change.asp Towering change]." ''Creation'' 22(1):22-6, December 1999. Accessed September 13, 2008. Also hosted at <http://www.creationontheweb.com/content/view/292/>.</ref><ref name=Walton2>Walton, John H. "[http://www.christiananswers.net/q-abr/abr-a021.html Is there archaeological evidence of the Tower of Babel]?" ''Bulletin for Biblical Research'' 5[1995]: 155-75. Reprinted at <http://www.christiananswers.net/> Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref><ref name=Jackson>Jackson, Wayne. "[http://www.christiancourier.com/archives/babel.htm The Tower of Babel – Legend or History]?" ''Christian Courier'', December 17, 1999. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref> Zudem stellt die Herkunft der Sprache ein Problem für die [[Makroevolution|makroevolutionistische]] Position dar.<ref name=May>May, Kevin. "[http://www.answersingenesis.org/creation/v23/i2/talking.asp Talking point]." ''Creation ex nihilo'' 23(2):42-45, March 2001. Accessed September 13, 2008. Also hosted at <http://www.creationontheweb.com/content/view/406/></ref> Die Entwicklung verschiedener Sprachen ist mit biologischer Evolution nicht in Einklang zu bringen.<ref name=Steel>Steel, Allan K. "[http://www.answersingenesis.org/tj/v14/i2/languages.asp The development of languages is nothing like biological evolution]." ''TJ'' 14(2):31-40, August 2000. Accessed September 13, 2008. Also hosted at <http://www.creationontheweb.com/content/view/1638/></ref>
Der [[Apostel Johannes]] prophezeite im Buch der Offenbahrung: {{Bible quote| Und der zweite Engel blies seine Posaune; und es stürzte etwas wie ein großer Berg mit Feuer brennend ins Meer, und der dritte Teil des Meeres wurde zu Blut,
und der dritte Teil der lebendigen Geschöpfe im Meer starb, und der dritte Teil der Schiffe wurde vernichtet. |book=Offenbahrung|chap=8|verses=8-9}}
Die Idee, dass riesengroße Gesteine aus dem All gelegentlich die Erde treffen könnten und das Leben darauf wesentlich beeinflussen könnten, war bis in die 1980iger Jahre weithin nicht akzeptiert.<ref name=Oard>Oard, Michael J. "[http://www.answersingenesis.org/tj/v11/i2/dinosaur.asp The extinction of the dinosaurs]." ''TJ'' 11(2):137-154, August 1997. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref> [[Katastrophismus]], eingeschlossen der Einschlag von [[Asteroid]]en, war unmodern und galt als unwissenschaftlich. Dies wiedersprach dem [[Uniformitarianismus]], der durch Sir [[Charles Lyell]] in seinem Werk [[Die Prinzipien der Geologie]] (1830-33), bekannt wurde.
{{Nicht übersetzt}}Die NASA hat mittlerweile jedoch ihr ''Programm zu erdnahen Objekten'' (Near Earth Object Program) und es wird angenommen, das Objekte, wie jenes, dass 1908 in Sibirien einschlug, katastrophale Folgen haben können.<ref name=Hartmann>Hartmann, William K. "[http://www.psi.edu/projects/siberia/siberia.html 1908 Siberia Explosion]." Planetary Science Institute, n.d. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref>
Die MacArthur Studienbibel berichtet in Bezug auf den obigen Vers: ''"Es handelt sich wahrscheinlich um einen riesigen Meteor oder Asteroid... Sein Einschlag wird eine riesige Flutwelle verursachen, die ein drittel der Schiffe zerstören wird. Das Meer wurde zu Blut. Dies könnte auf ein Ereignis namens 'Roter Flut' hindeuten, bei dem Millionen von toten Mikroorganismen das Wasser verseuchen."''<ref name=MacArthur>John MacArthur, MacArthur Study Bible, Word Publishing, 1997, page 2003</ref>
Der Kontext ist sehr wichtig für die Bibel [[Exegese]]. Interessant ist dabei, dass direkt vor dem "großen Berg mit Feuer brennend" in {{Bible ref|book=Offenbahrung|chap=8|verses=8-9}}, ein Vers steht, der beschreibt: "und es kam Hagel und Feuer, mit Blut vermengt, und fiel auf die Erde ({{Bible ref|book=Offenbahrung|chap=8|verses=7}}). Im Vers danach heißt es: {{Bible quote|Und der dritte Engel blies seine Posaune; und es fiel ein großer Stern vom Himmel, der brannte wie eine Fackel und fiel auf den dritten Teil der Wasserströme und auf die Wasserquellen.|book=Offenbahrung|chap=8|verses=10}}
==How Lions Kill Their Prey and the Bible== Until recentlyKurzum, zoologists believed that lions killed their prey by biting through the neck or by breaking the neck with a blowsowohl vorhergehende, or cuffals auch nachfolgende Verse sprechen von Dingen, of the paw.<ref name=lionsbible>Author unknown. "[http://ed5015.tripod.com/BLions87.htm Lions and the Bible]." ''Investigator'' 87, 2002. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref> But in 1972, George B. Schaller observed lions for himself, for 2,900 man-hours over three years. He also examined their prey to determine the cause of deathdie vom Himmel fallen.
The Bible declares:== Die Erde ist eine Kugel ==Der Prophet [[Jesaja]] deutet an, dass die Erde eine Kugel und nicht flach ist, wie viele Menschen vor langer Zeit glaubten. {{Bible quote|The lion is tearing parts [for] his whelpsEr thront über dem Kreis der Erde, And is strangling for his lionessesund die darauf wohnen, sind wie Heuschrecken...|book=NahumJesaja|chap=240|verses=12|version =YLT22}}
The literal translation describes the method of killing as Das Wort, dass hier als "strangledKreis"übersetzt wird, heißt im Hebräischen '''chuwg''' und wird auch als "Rundweg" oder "Kompass" übersetzt, je nach Kontext. Das heißt, es beschreibt etwas kugelförmiges, rundes, oder gebogenes, nicht etwas flaches oder quadratisches. Das Buch Jesaja wurde geschrieben, lang bevor [[Aristoteles]] überhaupt daran dachte, dass die Erde kugelförmig sei. Auch dies wurde als weiteres Beispiel für wissenschaftliches Vorwissen der Bibel genommen. <ref name=lionsbibleclarify>[http://www.clarifyingchristianity.com/science.shtml Science and the Bible] by Clarifying Christianity. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref> ==Ozeangebirge==Jona berichtete das Folgende, als er im Bauch eines Wales (im Hebräischen ein großer Fisch), war:{{Bible quote|Wasser umgaben mich und gingen mir ans Leben, die Tiefe umringte mich, Schilf bedeckte mein Haupt.Ich sank hinunter zu der Berge Gründen, der Erde Riegel schlossen sich hinter mir ewiglich. Aber du hast mein Leben aus dem Verderben geführt, HERR, mein Gott!|book=Jona|chap=2|verses=5-6}}
Schaller observed:{{cquote|They [lions] creep upDie Strong Konkordanz gibt folgenden Kommentar zu dem Wort, rush the prey, hook a flank to bring it down, then slowly kill by strangulation. (Readerwelches als 's Digest, June, 1978)}}Gründe' übersetzt wurde:
The necks of the prey were qetseb (keh'-tseb) von 'notqatsab'' broken(7094); Form (als ob ausgeschnitten); Grund:--Boden, Größe.<ref name=lionsbible/qetseb>"[http://www. Today most zoologists understand that lions kill by strangling their preysacrednamebible. This was not always known&mdash;but the com/kjvstrongs/STRHEB70.htm#S7095 Entry for 'Qetseb']." Strong's Hebrew Bible clearly states itDictionary, n.d. Accessed September 13, 2008.<ref name=lionsbible/ref>
== Ants and the Bible ==The Bible suggests that “the ant” stores food during harvest for future consumptionDer Geologist Harold L. Nineteenth-century naturalists insisted that this was wrong.<ref name=Williams>Williams, John H., ''et al''. "[httpLevin schrieb://www.adam.com.au/bstett/BWilliamsvsAnon71to73.htm Williams vs. Anon: 71-73]" (a series of debates). ''Investigator'' issues 71-73, 2000. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref> In fact, the ants mentioned in the Bible are harvesting ants. These ants are common in the Middle East but were not known in Europe at the time of the Renaissance. Recent careful study of ants in various regions of the world reveals many species of harvesting ants, thus vindicating the Bible.<ref name=Williams/> ==The Origin of Languages==Several noted linguists argue that the many different language families can be traced back to a tiny group of distinct proto-languages. This is consistent with God's confusion of languages at the Tower of Babel.<ref name=Walton>Walton, John H. "[http://www.christiananswers.net/q-abr/confusionoflanguages.html Is there any reference to the confusion of languages at Babel in early Mesopotamian literature]?" ''Bulletin for Biblical Research'' 5[1995]: 155-75. Reprinted at <http://www.christiananswers.net/> Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref><ref name=Wieland1>Wieland, Carl. "[http://www.answersingenesis.org/creation/v22/i1/towering_change.asp Towering change]." ''Creation'' 22(1):22-6, December 1999. Accessed September 13, 2008. Also hosted at <http://www.creationontheweb.com/content/view/292/>.</ref><ref name=Walton2>Walton, John H. "[http://www.christiananswers.net/q-abr/abr-a021.html Is there archaeological evidence of the Tower of Babel]?" ''Bulletin for Biblical Research'' 5[1995]: 155-75. Reprinted at <http://www.christiananswers.net/> Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref><ref name=Jackson>Jackson, Wayne. "[http://www.christiancourier.com/archives/babel.htm The Tower of Babel – Legend or History]?" ''Christian Courier'', December 17, 1999. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref> Also, the origin of language is a problem for the [[macroevolution]] position,<ref name=May>May, Kevin. "[http://www.answersingenesis.org/creation/v23/i2/talking.asp Talking point]." ''Creation ex nihilo'' 23(2):42-45, March 2001. Accessed September 13, 2008. Also hosted at <http://www.creationontheweb.com/content/view/406/></ref> and the development of different languages is nothing like biological evolution.<ref name=Steel>Steel, Allan K. "[http://www.answersingenesis.org/tj/v14/i2/languages.asp The development of languages is nothing like biological evolution]." ''TJ'' 14(2):31-40, August 2000. Accessed September 13, 2008. Also hosted at <http://www.creationontheweb.com/content/view/1638/></ref> ==Asteroids==The Apostle John in the book of Revelation prophesied,{{Bible quotecquote|And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood; And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyedWissenschaftler des 18.|book=Revelation|chap=8|verses=8-9|version=KJV}} The idea that enormously large rocks from space occasionally hit Earth and could greatly influence its life was not widely accepted until the 1980sJahrhunderts hatten wenig Wissen über die Topographie des Ozeangrundes.<ref name=Oard>OardSie lebten zu einer Zeit, Michael J. "[http://www.answersingenesis.org/tj/v11/i2/dinosaur.asp The extinction of the dinosaurs]." ''TJ'' 11(2):137-154als Tiefenmessungen gemacht wurden, August 1997. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref> [[Catastrophism]], including impacts of [[asteroid]]s, was unfashionable and considered unscientific. It contradicted [[uniformitarianism]] which was made popular by Sir [[Charles Lyell]] in Principles of Geology (1830-33).  NASA, however, now has its Near Earth Object Program and it is believed that objects such as the one that hit Siberia in 1908 can have catastrophic effects.<ref name=Hartmann>Hartmann, William K. "[http://www.psi.edu/projects/siberia/siberia.html 1908 Siberia Explosion]." Planetary Science Institute, n.d. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref> The MacArthur Study Bible states regarding the above verse, ''"Probably a huge meteor or asteroid... Its impact will create a tidal wave, destroying a third of the world's ships. Sea became blood. May refer to indem man ein Gewicht an event called red tides, caused by millions of dead micro-organisms poisoning the water - in this case the result of a meteor's collision or it may be actual blood, a clear act of eschatological judgementeinem Ende eines Seiles befestigte und es zu Wasser lies."''<ref name=MacArthur>John MacArthurDies war nicht nur Zeitaufwendig, MacArthur Study Biblesondern im offenen Meer war es nahezu unmöglich, Word Publishing, 1997, page 2003</ref> Since context is important in Bible [[exegesis]] it is notable that directly preceding the "great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea" incident of {{Bible ref|book=Revelation|chap=8|verses=8-9}} is a verse describing how "hail and fire mingled with bloodMessfehler durch Abdriften des Gewichtes bzw.des Schiffes zu vermeiden..were cast upon the earth" ({{Bible ref|book=Revelation|chap=8|verses=7}}). Subsequent to the "great mountain burning with fire incidentAls Konsequenz daraus wurden," {{Bible quote|the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters...|book=Revelation|chap=8|verses=10}} In short, both the preceding and subsequent verses speak of things falling from high außer in the sky. == The Earth is Spherical ==[[Isaiah]] suggests that the earth is spherical and not flat as many people believed long ago.{{Bible quote|It is He who sits above the circle of the earth...|book=Isaiah|chap=40|verses=22|version=KJV}} The word translated “circle” here is the Hebrew word '''chuwg''' which is also translated “circuitBuchten und küstennahen Gebieten,” or “compass” (depending on the context)nur wenige Messungen gemacht. That isOzeanographen interpretierten die wenigen verfügbaren Messungen so, it indicates something spherical, rounded, or arched—not something that is flat or squaredass Meeresböden monotone flache Ebenen sind. The book of Isaiah was written long before [[Aristotle]] even thought of the earth being spherical. This has been cited as a further example of Bible scientific foreknowledge.<ref name=clarify>[http://www.clarifyingchristianity.com/science.shtml Science and the Bible] by Clarifying Christianity. Accessed September 13Mit der Entwicklung von kontinuierlichen topographischen Profilen mittels Echolot konnte gezeigt werden, 2008.</ref> ==Ocean Mountains==Jonah stated the following while in the belly of a whale (great fish in the Hebrew):{{Bible quote|The waters compassed me aboutdass Meeresböden genauso irregulär sind, [even] to the soul: the depth closed me round about, the weeds were wrapped about my headwie die Oberfläche der Kontinente. I went down to the bottoms of the mountains; the earth with her bars [was] about me for ever: yet hast thou brought up my life from corruptionUnter den Wellen liegen Canyons, O LORD my God.|book=Jonah|chap=2|verses=5-6|version=KJV}} Strong's concordance gives the following commentary on the word that is translated bottoms above: qetseb (keh'-tseb) from 'qatsab' (7094); shape (as if cut out); base (as if there cut off):--bottom, size.<ref name=qetseb>"[http://www.sacrednamebible.com/kjvstrongs/STRHEB70.htm#S7095 Entry for 'Qetseb']." Strong's Hebrew Bible Dictionary, n.d. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref> Geologist Harold L. Levin wrote:{{cquote|Eighteenth-century scientists had little knowledge of the topography of the ocean floors. They lived at a time when depth measurements were made by letting down a lead weight on the end of a rope. Not only was this method time consuming, but in the open ocean it was virtually impossible to prevent error from lateral drifting of the weight, or the ship, or both. As a result of these problems, only a limited number of soundings were made except in bays and offshore areas where such information was vital for safe navigation. Oceanographers interpreted the few measurements available as indicating that the ocean floors were monotonous flat plains. With the advent of continuous topographic profiles from echo-sounding devices, it was shown that the ocean floors are as irregular as the surface of the continents. Beneath the waves lay canyons deeper than the die tiefer sind als der Grand Canyon, and mountain systems more magnificent than the Rockiesund Gebirge, die eindrucksvoller sind als die Rocky Mountains.<ref name=Levin>Levin, B. L. ''Contemporary Physical Geography''. CBS College Publishing, 1981, p. 320</ref>}} A criticism of this example of Bible Scientific foreknowledge is that some Bible translations (NASB and RSV) translate this verse "roots of the mountains". Roots sometimes go far from the original trees although it could be said that the "roots" of these ocean mountains were close to the source. ==The Universe Has a Beginning==Aristotle (ca. 384 BC – 322 BC) thought the universe was eternal. In the 20th century, Fred Hoyle had a eternal universe model. There are multiple lines of evidence pointing to the conclusion that the universe had a beginning and that the age of the universe is young.<ref name=Hergenrather>Hergenrather, John and Andy, eds. "[http://godevidences.net/space/lawsofscience.php Can Laws of Science Explain the Origin of the Universe]?" Evidences for God from Space, n.d. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref><ref><http://www.apologeticspress.org/articles/2329></ref><ref name=young>Staff. "[http://www.answersingenesis.org/home/area/faq/young.asp Get answers: 'Young' age of the universe]." Answers in Genesis, n.d. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref> (See also: [[Cosmic chronology]].) One of these lines, and the strongest one at that, is the deduction from the second law of thermodynamics. Based upon this law, the universe needs to be quite young. If the universe had always existed, it would already be dead and cold according to the implications of this law. ==Origin of Life==In a modern context, the Bible shows scientific foreknowledge regarding the origin of life, which it states was a miracle. [[Abiogenesis]], the hypothesis that life occured naturally, is completely foundering. Lee Strobel, in his book ''A Case for Faith'', quotes William Bradley as stating:{{cquote|The optimism of the 1950's is gone. The mood at the 1999 International Conference on Origin of Life was described as grim&mdash;full of frustration, pessimism and desperation.}} Nobel prize winning Francis Crick (co-discoverer of DNA), in his 1981 book ''Life Itself'', insists that the probability of life's chance origin simply defies calculation. Crick, an atheist, says:{{cquote|What is so frustrating for our present purpose is that it seems almost impossible to give any numerical value to the probability of what seems a rather unlikely sequence of events... An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle.}} Stephen B. Meyer in his essay, ''DNA BY Design: An Inference To the Best Explanation for the Origin of Biological Information'', shows why the naturalistic explanations for the origin of life are entirely bankrupt.<ref name=Meyer>Meyer, Stephen C. "[http://www.macrodevelopment.org/library/meyer.html DNA BY Design: An Inference To the Best Explanation for the Origin of Biological Information]." The Theory of Macrodevelopment, n.d. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref> There are simply too many obstacles to overcome for the abiogenesis hypothesis, and the information contained in biological organisms speaks of a intelligent designer.<ref name=origin>"[http://www.answersingenesis.org/home/area/faq/origin.asp Get Answers: Origin of Life]." Answers in Genesis, n.d. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref><ref name=Bergman>Ashton, John F. "[http://www.answersingenesis.org/home/Area/isd/bergman.asp Jerry R. Bergman, biology]." Science and origins testimony, Answers in Genesis, n.d. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref> ==Young Earth Creationism==In the current science community environment, which embraces the evolutionary position, [[young earth creationism]] could be seen as Bible scientific foreknowledge. Young earth creationist scientists have a number of compelling arguments for young earth creationism,<ref name=qa>"[http://www.answersingenesis.org/home/area/qa.asp Get Answers]." Answers in Genesis, n.d. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref><ref name=trueorigin>[http://www.trueorigin.org/ The True.Origin Archive]." Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref><ref name=Brown>Brown, Walt. ''[http://www.creationscience.com/onlinebook/ In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for the Creation and the Flood].'' Center for Scientific Creation, 2008. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref> as well as having a number of compelling arguments against the evolutionary view. One needs to go no further than the [http://www.dissentfromdarwin.org/ ''Dissent From Darwin''] list of over 600 Ph.D scientists stating skepticism over "random mutations and selection" being responsible for the biological changes required for [[evolution]]. In the field of [[astronomy]], one can find many examples from scientific literature indicating that the current naturalistic explanations for the planets, solar systems, stars, and universe have failed. (See: [[Astronomy quotes]]). The [[big bang]] theory has several massive errors in it. One involves antimatter and the need for more of it in our universe. Defenders of this model are not addressing it and are offering yet more speculation. The award-winning essay, [http://www.answersingenesis.org/docs2006/contest-winner/lamicela.pdf ''Antimatter and the Big Bang''], from Answers in Genesis, discusses this flaw in greater detail. In the field of [[geology]], [[catastrophism]], which young earth creationists have always affirmed, is now recognized as being a normal part of earth's history and is supported by leading scientists in the field such as [http://www.globalflood.org/ Dr. John Baumgardner].<ref name=RothA>Roth, Ariel A. "[http://www.grisda.org/georpts/gr11.htm Catastrophism: Is It Scientific]?" ''Geoscience Reports'' Spring 1990 No. 11. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref> In [[anthropology]], the evolutionary position offers a poor quality of evidence; reasonable science measures the antiquity of man on a young earth time scale.<ref name=anthro>"[http://www.answersingenesis.org/home/area/faq/Anthropology.asp Get Answers: Anthropology]." Answers in Genesis, n.d. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref><ref name=Bass2>Bass, Alden. "[http://www.apologeticspress.com/articles/2313 'Reasonable Science' and the Antiquity of Man]." Apologetics Press. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref> In addition, the fossil record speaks loudly for creationism with stasis and sudden appearances and disappearances of organisms. In fact some invertebrates were more complex and if anything have shown to be devolving from older forms of the same organism.<ref name=fossils>"[http://www.answersingenesis.org/home/area/faq/fossils.asp Get Answers: Fossils]." Answers in Genesis, n.d. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref> Even the evolutionist Mark Ridley stated in the science journal ''New Scientist'':{{cquote|In any case, no real evolutionist, whether gradualist or punctuationist, uses the fossil record as evidence in favour of the theory of evolution as opposed to special creation.<ref name=Ridley>Mark Ridley, ''Who doubts evolution?'', ''New Scientist'', vol. 90, 25 June 1981, p. 831</ref>}}
AlsoEine Kritik an diesem Beispiel biblischen Vorwissens ist, the field of [[genetics]] shows that the various kinds of animals are fixeddass einige (englische) Übersetzungen diesen Vers als "Wurzel/Ursprung" der Berge übersetzen. Fruit flies have remained fruit flies Wurzeln breiten sich oft weit vom eigentlichen Baum aus, obwohl in the approximately 100 years of experimentation on them. Certain bacteria such as pseudomonas and flavobacterium, even with acquired mutationsdiesem Beispiel gesagt werden könnte, are still identifiable by the same characteristics as when they were first discovered a hundred years priordass die "Wurzeln" der Ozeangebirge nahe an ihrer "Quelle" waren.
==DinosaursDas Universum hat einen Anfang==The [[book of JobAristoteles]] is considered to be one of the oldest books of the [[Bible]] by many scholars(ca. Job describes two large creatures called [[behemoth]] and [[leviathan]]384 v. Behemoth was obviously as big as a dinosaur as it is described as having a tail like a [[cedar]]Chr. – 322 v.Chr.) hielt das Universum für ewig. Im 20. Leviathan is an equally massive creature of the seaJahrhundert hatte Fred Hoyle ein Model eines ewigen Universums.
There are sound reasons to identify behemoth with a [[Sauropod]] dinosaur and leviathan with the [[Kronosaurus]]Heutzutage gibt es jedoch mehrere Hinweise darauf, dass das Universum einen Anfang hatte und dass das Alter des Universums jung ist.<ref name=WalkerHergenrather>WalkerHergenrather, TasJohn and Andy, eds. "[http://wwwgodevidences.answersingenesis.org/creationnet/v26space/i3/plesiosaurlawsofscience.asp Deluge disaster: Amazing Australian plesiosaur preservationphp Can Laws of Science Explain the Origin of the Universe].?" ''Creation'' 26(3):28-31Evidences for God from Space, June 2004n.d. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref><ref><http://www.apologeticspress.org/articles/2329></ref><ref name== Homosexuality ==Given the young>Staff. "[http://www.conservapediaanswersingenesis.comorg/Homosexuality_and_Health many diseases associated with homosexualityhome/area/faq/young.asp Get answers: 'Young' age of the universe]." Answers in Genesis, the Bible prohibition against n.d. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref> (Siehe auch: [[homosexualityKosmische Chronologie]] is arguably one of the many examples where scientific foreknowledge in the Bible was exhibited.) Eine der Hauptargumentationslinien folgt aus einer Herleitung des zweiten Gesetztes der Thermodynamik. Basierend auf diesem Gesetz muss das Universum relativ jung sein. Hätte es schon immer existiert, wäre es den Implikationen dieses Gesetzes zufolge inzwischen tot und kalt.
==The Throats of WhalesUrsprung des Lebens=={{Bible ref|book=Jonah|chap=1|verses=17}} states that Jonah was swallowed by a "great fish".<ref name=Miller>MillerIn einem modernen Kontext zeigt die Bibel wissenschaftliches Vorwissen in Bezug auf den Ursprung des Lebens, Davevon welchem es sagt, PhDdass es ein Wunder war. "[http://www.apologeticspress.org/articles/45 Miller, Dave Ph.D. Jonah and the 'Whale'[Abiogenesis]]?" Apologetics Press. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref><ref name=Vestrup>Vestrupdie Hypothese, Eric. "[http://www.tektonics.org/gk/jonfish.html Jonah vs. Matthew on What was Eating Jonah]." Tektonicsdass Leben natürlich entstand, nist komplett zerschlagen.d. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref> A [[sperm whale]] is a possible identification for the "great fish" that swallowed Jonah; sperm whales are still spotted Lee Strobel zitiert in the Mediterranean sea.<ref name=Williamson>Williamson, Michael. "[httpseinem Buch ''Glaube im Kreuzverhör'' William Bradley://whale{{cquote|Der Optimismus der fünfziger Jahre ist verschwunden.wheelock.edu/archives/whalenet96/0156.html Info: Sperm Whale Sighting Die Stimmung in Eastern Mediterranean]." Message sent April 23der Internationalen Konferenz zum Ursprung des Lebens 1999 wurde als grimmig&mdash; voller Frustration, 1996Pessimismus und Verzweiflung beschrieben. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref>}}
Nineteenth century critics often argued that whales have too small a gullet to admit a human and people continue to say it todayDer Nobelpreisträger Francis Crick (Mitentdecker der DNA) besteht in seinem 1981 erschienenen Buch ''Life Itself'' darauf, dass die Wahrscheinlichkeit das Leben aus Zufall entstand, den Kalkulationen widerspricht. In additionCrick, apparently even a popular version of the Bible stated this!ein Atheist, schreibt:{{cquote|Was für unser derzeitiges Ziel so frustrierend ist, ist dass es fast unmöglich scheint, die Wahrscheinlichkeit für eine Reihe von unwahrscheinlichen Ereignissen zu finden...Ein ehrlicher Mensch, der mit allem Wissen das uns derzeit zur Verfügung steht ausgerüstet ist, könnte nur behaupten, dass in gewissen Sinne, der Ursprung des Lebens einem Wunder gleichkommt."}}
FStephen B.T. Bullen wroteMeyer zeigt in seinem Aufsatz, ''DNA BY Design: {{cquote|IndeedAn Inference To the Best Explanation for the Origin of Biological Information'', not many years ago a popular M.Pwarum die naturalistischen Erklärungen für die Entstehung des Lebens völlig fehlschlagen.<ref name=Meyer>Meyer, writing to one of the religious papers, allowed himself to say that Stephen C. "science will not hear of a whale with a gullet capable [http://www.macrodevelopment.org/library/meyer.html DNA BY Design: An Inference To the Best Explanation for the Origin of admitting anything larger than a man’s fistBiological Information]."— a piece The Theory of crass ignoranceMacrodevelopment, which is also perpetrated in the appendix to a very widely-distributed edition of the Authorized Version of the Biblen. This opiniond. Accessed September 13, strangely enough2008.</ref> Es gibt einfach zu viele Hindernisse, die die abiogenetische Hypothese überwinden müsste, und die Informationen, die in biologischen Organismen enthalten sind, is almost universally heldsprechen für einen intelligenten Designer.<ref name=origin>"[http://www.answersingenesis.org/home/area/faq/origin.asp Get Answers: Origin of Life]." Answers in Genesis, n.d. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref><ref name=BullenBergman>Bullen FT 1923Ashton, John F. "[http:/1944 ''The Cruise of the Cachalot''/www.answersingenesis.org/home/Area/isd/bergman.asp Jerry R. Bergman, J Murraybiology]." Science and origins testimony, London (''Cachalot'' is French for ''sperm whaleAnswers in Genesis, n.d. Accessed September 13, 2008.'')</ref>}}
Pinney (1964) quoted the Director of a museum of natural history==Junge-Erde-Kreationismus==In der aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Szene, die der evolutionistischen Position folgt, könnte [[Junge-Erde-Kreationismus]] als biblisches Vorwissen betrachtet werden. Kreationisten haben eine große Anzahl überzeugender Hinweise für eine junge Erde,<ref name=qa>"[http:{{cquote|Many people asked me if the Bible story of Jonah is true//www. Could a man be swallowed by a whale? So I pushed my body partly down the throat of a dead sixty foot sperm whaleanswersingenesis. I could just squeeze throughorg/home/area/qa. A fat man couldn’t have made itasp Get Answers]." Answers in Genesis, n.d. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref><ref name=Pinneytrueorigin>Pinney R 1964 [http://www.trueorigin.org/ The Animals in True.Origin Archive]." Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref><ref name=Brown>Brown, Walt. ''[http://www.creationscience.com/onlinebook/ In the Bible Chilton Books USA ppBeginning: Compelling Evidence for the Creation and the Flood].128'' Center for Scientific Creation, 1532008. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref>}} sowie viele Argumente gegen die evolutionistische Sichtweise. Mehr als 600 Ph.D Wissenschaftler äußerten ihre Skeptik ([http://www.dissentfromdarwin.org/ ''Dissent From Darwin'']) darüber, dass "zufällige Mutationen und natürliche Selektion" ausreichen, um die notwendigen biologischen Veränderungen für [[Evolution]] herbeizuführen.
Keith RobinsonIn der [[Astronomie]] können viele Beispiele in der wissenschaftlichen Literatur gefunden werden, a senior marine science instructor at Seaworlddie darauf hindeuten, has stated that large sperm whales have esophaguses that measure as much as a foot and a half wide. Many men often measure more than a foot and a half across their shouldersdass aktuelle naturalistische Erklärungen für Planeten, so if the great fish was a sperm whaleSonnensysteme, Jonah would have to have been of fairly slight build.<ref name=Harrison>HarrisonSterne, Donald Hund das Universum fehlschlagen. "(Vergleiche: [[Astronomie Zitate]]). Die [[Big Bang Theorie]] beinhaltet mehrere massive Fehler. Einer davon betrifft Antimaterie und die Notwendigkeit für mehr davon in unserem Universum. Verteidiger des Urknalls geben darauf keine Antwort oder bringen nur weitere Spekulation hervor. Der ausgezeichnete Artikel [http://www.jewishsightseeinganswersingenesis.comorg/usadocs2006/california/san_diego/general_stories/sd9contest-13-02jonahwinner/lamicela.html What swallowed Jonah? Sea World educators identify pdf ''Antimatter and the prime suspectsBig Bang'']von Antworten in Genesis diskutiert dies im Detail." San Diego Jewish Press-Heritage, Sept. 13, 2002. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref>
LastlyAuf dem Gebiet der [[Geologie]], ist [[Katstrophismus]], den Junge-Erde-Kreationisten immer befürwortet haben, mittlerweile als normaler Teil der Erdgeschichte anerkannt und wird von führenden Wissenschaftlern dieses Gebietes, wie [http://www.globalflood.org/ Dr. John Baumgardner] unterstützt.<ref name=RothA>Roth, Ariel A. "[http://www.grisda.org/georpts/gr11.htm Catastrophism: Is It Scientific]?" ''Geoscience Reports'' Spring 1990 No. 11. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref> In der [[Anthropologie]] bietet die evolutionistische Position eine geringe Qualität an Beweisen; rationale Wissenschaft misst das Alter der Menschheit an einer jungen Erdzeitskala.<ref name=anthro>"[http://www.answersingenesis.org/home/area/faq/Anthropology.asp Get Answers: Anthropology]." Answers in Genesis, n.d. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref><ref name=Bass2>Bass, Alden. "[http://www.apologeticspress.com/articles/2313 'Reasonable Science' and the miraculous is mentioned throughout the book Antiquity of JonahMan]. The survival of Jonah in a "great fishApologetics Press. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref> Zudem spricht der Fossilienbestand deutlich für Kreationismus, mit einem plötzlichen Auftauchen und Verschwinden von Organismen. Tatsächlich waren einige wirbellose Tiere überaus komplex, und wenn überhaupt, dann zeigen sie, dass sie sich gegenüber älteren Formen des Organismus zurückentwickelten.<ref name=fossils>" is itself a miracle[http://www.answersingenesis.org/home/area/faq/fossils.asp Get Answers: Fossils]." Answers in Genesis, so perhaps Jonah being swallowed also isn.d. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref> Sogar der Evolutionist Mark Ridley schrieb im Wissenschaftsmagazin ''New Scientist'':{{cquote|In jedem Fall nutzt kein wahrer Evolutionist, egal ob Gradualist oder Punktualist, den Fossilbestand als Beweis für Evolution im Gegensatz zu besonderer Schöpfung.<ref name=MillerRidley>Mark Ridley, ''Who doubts evolution?'', ''New Scientist'', vol. 90, 25 June 1981, p. 831</ref>}}
Auch das Gebiet der [[Genetik]] zeigt, dass verschiedene Arten von Tieren Bestand haben. Fruchtfliegen blieben Fruchtfliegen nach geschätzten 100 Jahren mit Experimenten an ihnen. Bestimmte Bakterien, wie Pseudomonas und Flavobakterien, sogar mit erworbenen Mutationen, sind immernoch durch dieselben Charakteristika identifizierbar, mit denen sie hundert Jahre zuvor entdeckt wurden.
Das Buch [[Hiob]] wird von vielen Gelehrten als eines der ältesten Bücher der [[Bibel]] angesehen. Hiob beschreibt zwei große Geschöpfe, [[Behemoth]] und [[Leviathan]]. Behemoth war offensichtlich so groß wie ein Dinosaurier und hatte einen Schwanz wie eine [[Zedar]]. Leviathan ist eine ebenso massive Meereskreatur.
==Common Knowledge Argument is Contra-evidence and Implausible==Both believers and skeptics believed that ancient cultures had accumulated a significant body of medical practices based on oral traditions and written manuscripts. The same could be said of other areas in regards to the natural world. Skeptics argue that the Es gibt vernünftige Gründe, Behemoth als einen [[PentateuchSauropod]] is a result of such processes and that Bible scientific foreknowledge is not the result of supernatural inspiration. In addition, some critics of Dinosaurier zu identifizieren und Leviathan als einen [[BibleKronosaurus]] scientific foreknowledge attempt to show that the Pentateuch is a late-written book. They also argue for the earliest possible date for various Egyptian medical documents and claim that the Hebrew medicine is merely a refinement of Egyptian medicine. Critics of Bible scientific foreknowledge point to the Edwin Smith papyrus and the Ebers papyrus, which contain a certain degree of accurate medical knowledge. For example, the Ebers Papyrus gives a surprisingly accurate description of the circulatory system and refers to such things as diabetes mellitus.<ref name=EbersWalker>Author unknownWalker, Tas. "[http://www.aldokkananswersingenesis.comorg/sciencecreation/ebersv26/i3/plesiosaur.htm Ebers' papyrusasp Deluge disaster: Amazing Australian plesiosaur preservation]." Aldokkan''Creation'' 26(3):28-31, n.dJune 2004. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref>
Setting aside the issue of document dating for now, supporters of ==Der Rachen von Walen=={{Bible scientific foreknowledge believe that in order to evaluate ref|book=Jona|chap=1|verses=17}} beschreibt, dass Jona von einen "großen Fisch" verschlungen wurde, möglicherweise einem [[Pottwal]].<ref name=Miller>Miller, Dave, PhD. "[http://www.apologeticspress.org/articles/45 Miller, Dave Ph.D. Jonah and the issue of Bible scientific foreknowledge one must examine 'Whale''all''' the evidence and not exclude any evidence]?" Apologetics Press. For exampleAccessed September 13, when considering the Edwin Smith Papyrus2008.</ref><ref name=Vestrup>Vestrup, Ebers Papyrus and Hearst PapyrusEric. "[http://www.tektonics.org/gk/jonfish.html Jonah vs. Matthew on What was Eating Jonah]." Tektonics, the aforementioned medical errors must be included as well as the more positive aspectsn.d. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref> Pottwale werden heute noch im Mittelmeer beobachtet.<ref name=Williamson>Williamson, Michael. "[http://whale.wheelock.edu/archives/whalenet96/0156.html Info: Sperm Whale Sighting in Eastern Mediterranean]." Message sent April 23, 1996. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref>
Homer's Odyssey states, as was noted above that,{{cquote|[T]he Egyptians were skilled in medicine more than any other artKritiker des 19.<ref name=Allen/>}}Also added, was that the Egyptians used sewer pharmacology and other practices which the previously mentioned medical experts said could be harmful or were ineffective. As Bruce Allen wrote in his essay, ''4 Reasons Why You Should Read the Bible,'' {{cquote|Pretty disgusting stuff today, yet you would think that if these culture's medical practices were so respected by the rest of the world, the Bible would just mimic what they taught. But it doesn't! Of all the sacred writings of every major religion in the world, only the Bible sidesteps the errors that pervaded the medical sciences of its time. In fact, scholars are nearly unanimous in attributing the world's first system of sanitary laws to the precepts laid down in the first five books of the Bible.<ref name=Allen/>}}Ancient medicine is not alone in having errant practices. For example, in 17th and 18th century medicine the practice of bleeding patients was still used.<ref name=cent1718>Author unknown. "[http://library.thinkquest.org/15569/hist-8.html 17th and 18th Century Medicine]." ''A Short History of Medical Careers'', ThinkQuest.com, n.d. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref> Also, according to the British Medical Journal, only 15% of medical procedures have been reported to be supported by any documentation.<ref name=SmithR>Smith R. ''Where is the wisdom: The poverty of medical evidence.'' British Medical Journal 1991; 303: 798-799</ref><ref name=rosner>Rosner, Anthony L. "[http://www.fcer.org/html/News/whccamp.htm White House Commission On Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy: Testimony for Meeting on Obstacles and Barriers to CAM Research]." Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research, 2008. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref> Given the existence of errant medicine throughout history up to the present day (medicine recalls, lack of documentation, etc.) and the apparent absence of errant medicine from the [[Pentateuch]] and an abundance of excellent, very advanced health and sanitation practicesJahrhunderts argumentierten oft, the argument that the Bible contains common knowledge is implausibledass Wale eine zu schmale Speiseröhre haben, even if one grants late dates for the Pentateuch and early dates for the Egyptiansum einen Menschen zu verschlucken und tun dies auch heute noch.
The Edwin Smith Surgical Papyus is thought by most scholars to date from 1600 BCF. These scholars also believe that this ancient medical treatise is a copy of a work dating from cT. 3000 BC.<ref name=SmithPapyrus>Bullen schrieb: {{cquote|Vor nicht vielen Jahren schrieb ein bekannter Mediziner an ein religiöses Journal, und genehmigte sich selbst die Aussage: "[www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/179901/Edwin-Smith-papyrus Edwin Smith papyrus]Wissenschaft wird keinen Wal finden, der in der Lage ist, etwas zu verschlucken was größer als die Faust eines Mannes ist." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2008. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Accessed September 13— ein krasser Fall von Unwissen, 2008der auch im Anhang einer sehr weitverbreiteten authorisierten Version der Bibel zu finden ist.</ref> DrDiese Meinung wird seltsamerweise fast universal geteilt. Carol Reeves argued that archaic words in the Edwin Smith Papyrus point to its being copied from an earlier text around 2,500 B.C.<ref name=ReevesBullen>Carol Reeves, Bullen FT 1923/1944 ''Egyptian MedicineThe Cruise of the Cachalot'', Buckinghamshire: Shire Publications, 1992, page 51.</ref> The argument from word usage to date a text has failed before according to linguist and Bible scholar Robert Dick Wilson, a scholar who learned 45 ancient languages. In his essayJ Murray, London (''What is an expert?Cachalot'', Dr. Wilson states that the attempts to date the Old Testament late via alleged anachronisms failed. Of course, word usage may be helpful but one must exercise due diligence and scholarly caution. With that in mind, if late dates is French for the Ebers Papyrus and Hearst Papyrus were granted, the Ebers Papyrus is commonly dated to about 1550 BC. and the Hearst Papyrus is to 1450 B.C.<ref name=EbersBrit>"[www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/177583/Ebers-papyrus Ebers papyrus]." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2008. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref><ref name=forsyth>Forsyth, Phyllis Young. "[http://www.arts.mun.ca/mouseion/2000/forsyth/index.html The Medicinal Use of Saffron in the Aegean Bronze Age]." ''Classical Viewssperm whale.'' 44:19, 200. Accessed September 13, 2008.)</ref>}}
There are various issues and disagreements between scholars over Egyptian chronology and its reliability, as was mentioned above. The prominent 20th century Egyptologist Gardiner, noting the paucity of historical inscriptions and his apparent belief that Egyptologists have had a tendency to overstate their case, wrote,{{What is proudly advertised as Egyptian history is merely a collection of rags and tatters.<ref name=GardinerA>Gardiner, A. ''Egypt of the Pharaohs. Pinney (Oxford 19611964), page 46</ref>}}Other Egyptologists too have expressed reservations about Egyptian chronology. This may have repurcussions elsewhere, since many ancient chronologies are based on the chronolgy of Egypt.<ref name=Mackay>Mackey, Damien F. (MA. B PHIL.) "[httpzitierte den Direktor eines Naturkundemuseums://www.specialtyinterests.net/sothic_star.html Sothic Dating Examined{{cquote|Viele Leute fragten mich, The Sothic Star Theory of the Egyptian Calendar (A Critical Evaluation)]ob die Bibelgeschichte von Jona wahr ist." SpecialtyInterests, October 1995. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref> With that in mind, some scholars attempt to date the Pentateuch late and deny Mosaic authorship. They argue that the documentary hypothesis is correct. On the other hand conservative scholars believe it lacks external evidence and has unsound foundations.<ref name=Closson>Closson, Don. "[http://www.leaderu.com/orgs/probe/docs/moses.html Did Moses Write the Pentateuch]Könnte ein Mann von einem Wal verschluckt werden?" Leadership University, July 14Also habe ich meinen Körper teilweise durch die Kehle eines toten, 200260 Fuß großen Pottwales gedrückt. Accessed September 13, 2008Ich bin gerade so durchgekommen.</ref><ref name=Mitchell>Mitchell, Nigel B. "[http://jmm.aaa.net.au/articles/9092.htm Documentary Hypothesis: Fallacies Vitiating the Methods of Modern Criticism]." John Mark Ministries, June 1, 1999. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref>Biblical scholars Kenneth Kitchen (a notable Egyptologist and Bible scholar) and Gleason Archer have sharply criticized and rejected the documentary hypothesis using various lines of argumentEin dicker Mensch hätte es nicht geschafft.<ref name=ArcherPinney>Archer, Gleason L., and Friedman, Richard E. "[http://www.equip.org/atf/cf/%7B9C4EE03A-F988-4091-84BD-F8E70A3B0215%7D/DW035.pdf A Summary Critique: Who Wrote the Bible]?" Christian Research Institute, 1987. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref name=Miller2>Miller, Glenn. "[http://www.christian-thinktank.com/aec2.html Pinney R 1964 The Making of Animals in the OT: Before Moses]." Christian Think Tank, n.d. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref><ref name=studyman>Author unknown. "[http://www.biblestudymanuals.net/moses.htm Moses: Is He the Author of the Pentateuch]?" Bible Study Manuals, n.d. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref><ref name=Ankerberg>Ankerberg, John, and Weldon, John. "[http://www.ankerberg.com/Articles/apologetics/AP0404W3.htm Biblical Archaeology - Silencing the Critics - Part 2]." Ankerberg Theological Research Institute, n.d. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref><ref name=islam>"[http://answering-islam.org.uk/Campbell/s3c1.html The Bible and the Qur'an, Two Chilton Books with Many Similarities in their collection Chapter I The Documentary Hypothesis --- Its Effect on the Torah and the Qur'an]USA pp." Answering Islam128, n.d. Accessed September 13, 2008.153</ref> Dr. Yohanan Aharoni, in his work ''Canaanite Israel during the Period of Israeli Occupation'' states that archaeological discoveries show that later authors or editors could not have put together or invented these stories hundreds of years after they happened.<ref name=Kaufman>Kaufman, Yechezkel. [http://www.simpletoremember.com/vitals/Biblical_Criticism.htm Biblical Criticism]. (Excerpt from One People, Two Worlds, - pg. 183)</ref> Also, Roger N. Whybray, George W. Coats, and Claus Westermann contend that the Joseph story in Genesis 37-50 was a unity.<ref name=Wong>Wong, Fook Kong. "[http://www.hkbts.edu.hk/Common/Reader/News/ShowNews.jsp?Nid=193&Pid=16&Version=0&Cid=43&Charset=iso-8859-1&p=1 History of Pentateuchal Research]." Hong Kong Baptist School Seminary, April 3, 2008. Accessed September 13, 2008.</ref> In 1999, Josh McDowell wrote a work entitled ''New Evidence that Demands a Verdict'' in which he reviews the arguments of scholars who believe the Documentary hypothesis is invalid. McDowell cites the objections of early scholars such as Umberto Cassuto and cites newer scholars such as Kenneth Kitchen as well.<ref name=McDowell>McDowell, Josh. ''New Evidence that Demands a Verdict'' Thomas Nelson, Inc, Publishers, 1999.</ref> In addition, a team of Israeli and German Bible critics (reported in the ''Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentaliche Wissenschaft'') conducted a computer analysis of the style and language of the Bible. According to the computer analysis there appears to be no question that the Pentateuch is the product of a single author.<ref name=Kaufman/>}}
FinallyKeith Robinson, Professor Yechezkel Kaufmanein marine Wissenschaftler in Seaworld, a secular Bible criticberichtet dass große Pottwale Speiseröhren haben, sums it up very well in ''A History of the Jewish Faith'' (Hebrew): {{cquote|Biblical criticism finds itself today in a unique situationdie bis zu 1,5 Fuß breit sind. There is a dominant theoryViele Männer messen oft mehr als 1, yet no one knows why it dominates5 Fuß Schulterbreite. In the history of ideasWenn der große Fisch also ein Pottwal war, theories or concepts based on certain accepted principles often enjoy a disembodied existence long after those principles have been discreditedmüsste Jona relativ klein gebaut gewesen sein. This is exactly what happened to the scientific study of the Bible in our times <ref name=Harrison>Harrison, Donald H."[http://www.jewishsightseeing. [In com/usa/california/san_diego/general_stories/sd9-13-02jonah.html What swallowed Jonah? Sea World educators identify the nineteenth century,prime suspects] Wellhausen ... based his theories on an interlocking system of proofs that seemed to complement each other" San Diego Jewish Press-Heritage, forming layers of solid intellectual foundations upon which he erected the definitive edifice of his ideasSept. In the meantime, however13, these foundations disintegrated one by one2002. These proofs were refuted outright or at least seriously questioned. The scholars of the Wellhausen school were forced to admit that most of the proofs do not hold up under scrutiny. NonethelessAccessed September 13, they did not abandon the conclusions2008.</ref name=Kaufman/>}}
==Mary Douglas and Other Views==Mary Douglas argued the Mosaic dietary laws and ceremonial laws were designed as purity laws.<ref name=Hutt>Hutt, P. BSchlussendlich ist das Wunder im ganzen Buch Jona erwähnt. Das Überleben Jonas in einem "[http://leda.law.harvard.edu/leda/data/52/dsilber.pdf Jewish Dietary Laws and Their Foundation].großen Fisch" Harvard University School of Lawist an sich ein Wunder, 1994. Accessed September 13und so ist es vielleicht auch damit, 2008dass Jona verschluckt wurde.<ref name=Miller/ref> Also, there are those who argue that some of the Mosaic laws such as the dietary laws were meant to set apart the Jewish people. The approaches are not mutually exclusive of Bible scientific foreknowledge as purity laws and laws to create separateness can have other reasons behind them such as sanitary and preventative health benefits.
==Scholarly Caution and Sources Affirming and Denying Bible Scientific ForeknowledgeBehutsamkeit in der Herangehensweise und Quellen, die biblisches Vorwissen bestätigen und leugnen==The examination of sources regarding the affirming and denying of Bible scientific foreknowledge requires scholarly caution and due dilgenceDie Untersuchung von Quellen in Bezug auf biblisches Vorwissen verlangt Vorsicht und Sorgfältigkeit seitens der Gelehrten. The investigation of Bible scientific foreknowledge is very much a multidisciplinary endeavor involving both science and Die Untersuchung von biblischem Vorwissen ist ein multidisziplinares Unterfangen, welches sowohl Wissenschaftskenntnisse und biblische [[Biblical exegesisExegese]] (which involves knowledge of the Biblical languageswelche Wissen über biblische Sprachen, ancient near eastern culturedie frühe nahöstliche Kultur, etc.)benötigt. Because some sources fail to do their due diligence or fail to reveal all the relevant information a buyer beware attitude is warranted regarding individual sourcesDementsprechend ist bei der Sichtung der Quellen Vorsicht geboten. As Solomon stated,Wie Salomo schreibt:{{Bible quote|The first to plead his case seems rightIm Recht scheint, until another comes and examines himwer in seiner Streitsache als Erster auftritt, bis sein Nächster kommt und ihn ausforscht.|book=ProverbsSprüche|chap=18|verses=17|version=NASB}}
Analyzing the common misunderstanding about the exact nature of science and an Eine exakte Analyse häufiger Missverständnisse über die exakte Natur der Wissenschaft und eine [[analysis of scientific truthAnalyse wissenschaftlicher Wahrheit]] would benefit all apologistswürde allen Apologeten nützen.
{{feature article}}== External links Externe Links (Englisch) ==
* [http://www.creationontheweb.com/content/view/1298/ Snakes do eat dust!] by Carl Wieland
* [http://ohr.edu/ask/ask199.htm Ohr Somayach Website – Ohr.edu - Ask the Rabbi (regarding some additional Dr. Macht studies regarding the dietary code)]
== See Also Siehe auch ==* [[ApologeticsApologetik]]* [[Biblical apologistsBiblische Apologetisten]]* [[Analysis of scientific truthAnalyse wissenschaftlicher Wahrheit]]* [[Cosmic chronologyKosmische Chronologie]]* [[GeochronologyGeochronologie]]
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[[en:Bible scientific foreknowledge]]
[[fr:Prescience scientifique biblique]]
[[pt:Presciência científica bíblica]]