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William Blake's "Urizen as the Creator of the Material World" from Europe, A Prophecy. 1794.

Der Begriff "Kreation" oder "Schöpfung" beschreibt sowohl eine Handlung, als auch deren Ergebnis. Dabei gibt es einen Agenten oder Handelnden, der den Schöpfungsakt bewirkt.

Schöpfung bezeichnet im Besonderen jenen Akt, bei dem ein Agent, Gott, Dinge erschafft, die vorher nicht existierten. In diesem Sinne ist Schöpfung eindeutig zu unterscheiden von Transformation oder Wandel von Dinge, die bereits existierten.

Es lassen sich mehrere Arten von Schöpfung unterscheiden:

  • Universelle Schöpfung oder Kosmogonie ist jede Lehre oder Theorie, die sich mit der Frage beschäftigt, wieso das Universum existiert und wie es entstanden ist.
  • Menschliche Kreation bezeichnet jede Lehre oder Theorie, die sich mit der Entstehung von Menschen beschäftigt.

Creation entails a creating agent or creator and a creative purpose, a teleology, that may be evidenced by design. However, in some theories, such as Intelligent Design, creation is implied whereas the creator and purpose are not specified.

Universal creation

Main Article: Creation cosmology

The major monotheistic religions are agreed on several points about universal creation: the agent is God who alone and free from exterior compulsion and inner necessity, created a good creation and maintains all created entities in existence. However, the extent to which God acts directly or indirectly in biological creation and human creation is not an area of common agreement. See creationism.

Universal creation is described by cultures all over the world and one central theme is found to emerge — order from chaos.[1] The cosmos is singularly defined by scientists as possessing order. In fact, it is this apparent order that inspired early scientists to study astronomy and physics and describe related phenomena in mathematical terms.

Biological creation

Main Article: Biological creation

Biological creationism is the doctrine or belief that the various species or kinds of living beings were created and so are not the product of a naturalistic process. The creator is usually identified as God. It is, therefore, philosophically opposed to evolutionism. As the theory of evolution is found as an integral part of all secular biology fields, it is critical that creationists have a thorough understanding of biology.

Creation biology is basically the study of biological systems, while operating under the assumption that God created life on Earth. The discipline is premised on the idea that God created a finite number of discrete created kinds or baramin. While these forms of life have the ability to vary, and even undergo speciation, they cannot arise spontaneously from non-life, cannot interbreed outside of their kind, and cannot increase in genetic complexity.

Human creation

Main Article: Human creation

Human creation is any doctrine or theory concerning the coming into existence of human beings or human souls.

Creation Accounts

The creation is described by cultures all over the world. The most famous of which can be found in the first chapter of the book of Genesis in the Bible.


Das erste Kapitel der Bibel enthält eine spezifische Reihenfolge der Ereignisse der Schöpfung, die sich weder mit dem Ablauf nach der Evolutionstheorie noch mit dem Urknall in Einklang bringen lässt. Wenn sie zutreffend ist, dann widerspricht sie diesen beiden säkularen Erklärungen für die Entstehung des Kosmos.

The Biblical Creation Sequence

Main Article: Days of Creation
  • Tag 1 — God schuf Erde, Licht.
  • Tag 2 — God schuf die Athmosphäre.
  • Tag 3 — God schuf das Land und die Pflanzen.
  • Tag 4 — God schuf die Sonne, den Mond und die Sterne.
  • Tag 5 — God schuf die Lebewesen im Meer und die Vögel.
  • Tag 6 — God schuf die Landlebewesen und den Menschen.

The Bible describes that the world with all its inhabitants was created by God in 6 days. Although many people argue that the days of creation should not be taken literally, the events are described in terms that are correlated with definitions of specific lengths of time. Since God created time and language, it is reasonable to assume that the most straightforward reading of these passages should take place. Creationists that adhere of the young-earth view believe the "days", during which God created the world, are literal 24-hour periods of time.

However, in an attempt to merge the Bible with the theory of evolution, many old-earth creationists argue for nonliteral interpretations of the word "Day" in Genesis 1 , and instead hold to these descriptions as representing vast periods of time. This perspective is known as Day-age or progressive creationism.

It should be noted that this portion of the Bible, more than any other, is under dispute among creationists. There are many perspectives held regarding the Genesis account of creation, but these can be generally divided into two worldviews known as young earth and old earth creationism.


The Roman poet Ovid (43 B.C.-17 A.D.), in his Metamorphoses, elaborated an account of cosmic beginnings--the creation of the world out of chaos--that had obvious affinities with both Hebrew and Greek explanatory traditions. Questions of origins were especially topical during Ovid's time when Rome was transforming itself from a republic into an empire. [2]


The Santals are a numerous tribal people living in several states in eastern India. Among them live itinerant Hindu professional storytellers and painters (jadupatuas), who recount Santal stories, and religious beliefs. The Santal creation story includes three principal Santal deities, Maran Buru, Jaher Era, and Sin Cando. Water and water creatures made first by the creator, Thakur ("the Lord"). From the mating of two geese come the first human couple and from them their seven sons and daughters, who marry each other and then divide into clans so that siblings may no longer marry each other. [3]


Professional storytellers in Africa collected and told the stories of the past, including the story of the Yoruba people of West Africa. The Yoruba regard the city of Ife as their place of origin and the site of earth's creation. Ancient stories retell the creation of Yoruba and features Olodumare, the Lord of Heaven and the Creator, and Orisanla, deities in the Yoruba pantheon of gods. [4]


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